Primary (Junior Kindergarten - Grade 2)
Our Primary program includes full-day Junior and Senior Kindergarten. Using an activity-centred approach, the curriculum includes an emphasis on good listening skills and fine and gross motor development, and fosters an awareness of and appreciation for individual abilities.
Subjects including Music, Art, French, Physical Education, Nature Studies, Computer Studies, discussion and drama, are used to encourage individual growth and social development.
Instruction in Writing, Reading and Mathematics is introduced to our Kindergarten students as soon as they are ready. In Grades One and Two, there is further development of skills in the traditional core subjects of writing, reading and mathematics.
In addition, through a variety of approaches and resources which cater to individual learning styles, students are introduced to studies in Science, Geography and History/Cultural Studies.
Because of the school's accelerated and enriched program, students are working at a level approximately one year above Ministry of Education guidelines.
As in all Divisions, the small class size (maximum 18 students per class) allows for maximum attention and encouragement for each student, and the curriculum is supplemented by activities such as field trips, museum visits and special activity days.