House System
Upon arrival at Somerset, every student becomes a member of one of our three Houses - Flaming Maples, Yellow Lightning, and Beavers. This house system is designed to foster relationships that transcend grade boundaries and promote a sense of teamwork.
Each term, one House takes charge of a community or world-wide outreach project dedicated to raising awareness. Through these House-driven endeavors, students become more deeply engaged in both their local and global communities, gaining a broader and more unique perspective on life.
Recent initiatives include:
- Tree planting events;
- Dance performances at senior homes;
- Collecting used eyeglasses for underdeveloped countries;
- Letter-writing campaigns to orphanages in Ukraine
The House System also recognizes exceptional effort in non-academic areas, with points tallied and reported to students on a weekly basis. At the end of each term, the winning House celebrates with a special Civi Day, allowing students in that House to attend school in "civi" attire. Finally, at the close of the academic year, the overall champion House is presented with the esteemed House party.